
Executive committee

The Executive committee defines Antin’s strategic objectives on the basis of the orientations decided by the Board of directors and coordinates their implementation, determining priorities and necessary resources. It consists of the above members.

Board of directors

The Board of directors determines Antin’s overall strategy and ensures its implementation, in line with its corporate interest and taking into consideration the social and environmental impact of its activities.

Subject to the powers expressly attributed to the shareholders’ meetings and within the limits of the company’s purpose, the Board addresses any issue concerning the proper operation of Antin through deliberations.

The Board of directors consists of 6 members:

  • 3 members of the Executive committee, and
  • 3 independent directors.

The Board members represent 5 different nationalities, with 50% women-men and 50% independence rate.

The directors’ diverse and complementary expertise enables regular and active participation in the Board and its 3 specialised committees:

  • the Audit committee,
  • the Nomination and Compensation committee, and
  • the Sustainability committee.

Committee composition

Audit committee

Nomination and Compensation committee

Sustainability committee

Lynne Shamwana

Dagmar Valcarcel

Ramon de Oliveira

Mélanie Biessy


Audit committee

The Audit committee consists of 3 independent directors. Audit committee members must have special expertise in financial and/or accounting matters.

The Audit committee oversees the review of internal accounting procedures. In addition, the Audit committee consults with the statutory auditors and assists the Board of directors in overseeing corporate accounting and financial reporting.

Its main duties are to monitor:

  • the process used to prepare financial information
  • the effectiveness of internal control, internal audit and risk management systems relating to financial and nonfinancial accounting information
  • the statutory audit of the Antin’s stand-alone and consolidated financial statements by the statutory auditors
  • the independence of the statutory auditors, and
  • the mechanisms and procedures in place to ensure the dissemination and application of policies and best practices, particularly about compliance.

Nomination and Compensation committee

The Nomination and Compensation committee consists of 2 independent directors.

It assists in reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of directors with respect to its compensation and appointments tasks.

Regarding appointments, the Nomination and Compensation committee primarily assists the Board in

  • nominating directors and committee members; and
  • reviewing the independence of directors annually.

Regarding compensation, the Nomination and Compensation committee primarily assists the Board in

  • reviewing and making proposals on the compensation of Antin’ executive officers
  • reviewing the method of allocating independent directors’ attendance fees, and
  • consulting and making proposals on the compensation for any special assignments conferred upon individual members of the Board of directors.

Sustainability committee

The Sustainability committee consists of 3 directors.

It oversees the implementation of Antin’s Sustainability strategy, which is built around two core objectives:

  • acting as a responsible investor, ensuring that Environmental, Social and Governance matters are incorporated at all stages of the investment cycle; and
  • acting as a responsible company, actively working on improving the environmental and social impacts of our corporate activities.

It reviews the strategic direction and priorities of Antin’s Sustainability strategy, monitoring sustainability progress at all levels of the organisation and formulating recommendations on relevant sustainability related matters.

More specifically, the Sustainability committee is responsible for overseeing the implementation of Antin’s Responsible Investment Policy, thereby ensuring that sustainability issues are properly integrated in investment processes and actively managed at the portfolio company level throughout the holding period. It also helps shape policies and practices aimed at improving the environmental and social impacts of Antin’s corporate activities.

Statutory documents

Internal Rules of the Board of Directors

6 March 2024

Articles of Association

12 November 2023

Compensation ― AFEP-MEDEF Code

Information on CEO's compensation 2024/2025

7 March 2025

Information on corporate officers' compensation 2023/2024

11 March 2024

Information on corporate officers' compensation 2022/2023

23 March 2023

Information on corporate officers' compensation 2021/2022

24 March 2022