HOFI welcomes Antin Infrastructure Partners as a long-term strategic partner
11th Nov 2022
HOFI, the leading funeral infrastructure operator in Italy, is pleased to welcome Antin as a new long-term strategic partner. All the current shareholders of HOFI, including Augens Capital, will continue to support the company, sending a strong message of continuity.
Founded in 2019 in Milan, HOFI has become a trusted provider of funeral services to Italian families, building a strong network of funeral infrastructure across Northern Italy and supporting bereaving families. HOFI looks forward to continuing this growth, including partnering with additional funeral infrastructure operators that provide high quality services to families.
“HOFI’s mission is to provide the highest level of service to bereaving families during difficult times. With Antin, we are welcoming a new long-term partner which will allow us to provide these high-quality services to additional communities and families” said Marco Mantica, Chairman of HOFI.
“With this partnership we enhance HOFI’s ability to be the preferred partner to long-standing traditional funeral providers that share our values” said Andrea Cerato, Sandro Lorandi, Luca Oliva, Angelo Pedretti shareholders and directors of HOFI.
Angelika Schöchlin, Senior Partner at Antin, commented: “We are delighted to work alongside such long-standing and trusted partners to continue HOFI’s essential mission of supporting Italian families.”
HOFI S.p.A. is the the leading funeral infrastructure operator in Italy, providing funeral services and other assistance related to the loss of a beloved person. HOFI’s mission is to deliver the highest level of support to bereaving families during difficult times. In 2022, the company will support over 10,000 families with funeral services in Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Trentino-Alto Adige and Marche through its network of 13 funeral homes. For more information on HOFI, please visit: https://hofispa.com/.
Augens Capital
Augens Capital is an investment company founded in 2014 to pursue investments in Italian mid-market companies with a specific focus on family businesses and situations that present opportunities of sector consolidation. Augens invests primarily in the business services, healthcare and consumer sectors.
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Antin Infrastructure Partners is a leading private equity firm focused on infrastructure. With over €29bn in assets under management across its Flagship, Mid Cap and NextGen investment strategies, Antin targets investments in the energy and environment, telecom, transport and social infrastructure sectors. With a presence in Paris, London, New York, Singapore and Luxembourg, Antin employs over 190 professionals dedicated to growing, improving and transforming infrastructure businesses while delivering long-term value to portfolio companies and investors. Majority owned by its partners, Antin is listed on compartment A of the regulated market of Euronext Paris (Ticker: ANTIN – ISIN: FR0014005AL0).
***For further clarifications on the details of the transaction, please refer to the following contacts:
Paolo Paganella, CFO | paolo.paganella@hofispa.com
Press office: Comin & Partners
Giorgia Bazurli, Media Relations Manager | giorgia.bazurli@cominandpartners.com | +39 349 2840676
Giulia Palocci, Media Relations Consultant | giulia.palocci@cominandpartners.com | +39 340 8436158